Housing Dilemma for Adults With Serious Mental Illness. What Happens After Parents Are Gone?  September 6, 2023, 6:30 PM

The YouTube link for the recording of the September 6 meeting on Housing for Adults with Serious Mental Illness is ready for viewing. https://youtu.be/FUyPhlV6ljI

Join us for this panel discussion on Wednesday, September 6, 6:30 - 8:00 PM, Edina City Hall, 4801 W. 50th Street, Edina. Moderated by Alice Hausman, former State Representative and Housing Committee Chair with Panelists - Commissioner Jennifer Leimaile Ho, Commissioner of Minnesota Housing; Eric Grumdahl, DHS Assistant Commissioner of Health, Housing, and Deaf and Hard of Hearing; and Jill Wiedemann-West, CEO of People Incorporated Mental Health Services.

Panelists will discuss ideal housing models and where people with serious mental illnesses currently reside. Additional topics will include housing availability, voucher waiting lists, and evaluation. There will be time for audience questions.

This event is spearheaded by NAMI Ramsey County and LWV Golden Valley, co-hosted, NAMI Hennepin and LWV chapters: Roseville Area, Brooklyn Park-Osseo-Maple Grove; Crystal-New Hope-East Plymouth-Robbinsdale; Edina; Golden Valley; South Tonka; and Wayzata-Plymouth Area. 

Attend in person or virtually by registering at: https://lwvmn-org.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIvf-6oqTovGtBNxjfi_KsQhncjPZuLjr83


